1. Undertaking Name
Code | Name | Definition |
DGAR | DemandGuarantee | Undertaking is a demand guarantee. |
STBY | StandbyLetterOfCredit | Undertaking is a standby letter of credit. |
SURE | Surety | Undertaking is a surety. |
2. Undertaking Type
Code | Name | Definition |
APAY | AdvancePayment | Undertaking in support of an advance payment obligation. |
COMM | Commercial | Undertaking in support of a commercial obligation. |
CUST | Customs | Undertaking in support of a customs duty obligation. |
DPAY | DirectPay | Undertaking representing the primary means of payment. |
FINC | Financial | Undertaking in support of a financial obligation. |
INSU | Insurance | Undertaking in support of a insurance obligation. |
IRBO | IndustrialRevenueBoard | Undertaking in support of an Industrial Revenue Board (IRB) obligation. |
MAIN | Maintenance | Undertaking in support of a maintenance obligation. |
PAYM | Payment | Undertaking in support of a payment obligation. |
PERF | Performance | Undertaking in support of a performance obligation. |
RETN | Retention | Undertaking in support of a monetary retention obligation. |
SHIP | Shipping | Undertaking in support of a sea transportation obligation. |
TEND | TenderOrBid | Undertaking in support of a tender or bid obligation. |
WARR | Warranty | Undertaking in support of a warranty obligation. |
RENT | Rental | Undertaking in support of a rental agreement. |
CLAM | Claim | Undertaking is a claim. |
3. Undertaking Party
Code | Name | Definition |
ADVP | AdvisingParty | Party advising the undertaking. |
ANYB | AnyBank | Any bank. |
APPL | Applicant | Party named in the undertaking as the “applicant”. |
BENE | Beneficiary | Party in whose favour the undertaking (or counter-undertaking) is issued. |
CONF | ConfirmationParty | Party that adds its undertaking to honour the undertaking. |
CUB2 | SecondCounterUndertakingBeneficiary | Beneficiary of the second counter-undertaking. |
CUB3 | ThirdCounterUndertakingBeneficiary | Beneficiary of the third counter-undertaking. |
ISSU | Issuer | Party that issues the undertaking. |
OBLG | Obligor | Party obligated to reimburse the issuer. |
ORDR | OrderingParty | Party requested to issue an undertaking on behalf of the applicant. Also known as the ordering institution or applicant's bank. |
PRES | PresentingParty | Party nominated to receive presentation. |
SADV | SecondAdvisingParty | Second advising party. |
SPEC | SpecifiedAddress | Party located at specified address. |
IRUP | IrrevocableReimbursementUndertakingParty | Party named as Irrevocable Reimbursement Undertaking Party |
LISB | LocalIssuerBank | Party named as (Requested) Local Issuer Bank for counter-guarantees. |
4. Address Type
Code | Name | Definition |
ADDR | Postal | Address is the complete postal address. |
PBOX | POBox | Address is a postal office (PO) box. |
HOME | Residential | Address is the home address. |
BIZZ | Business | Address is the business address. |
MLTO | MailTo | Address is the address to which mail is sent. |
DLVY | DeliveryTo | Address is the address to which delivery is to take place. |
5. Organisation Id
Code | Name | Definition |
ABIC | AnyBIC | ISO 9362, Business Identification Code |
LEIC | LEI code | ISO 17422, Legal Entity Identifier |
BANK | BankPartyIdentification | Unique and unambiguous assignment made by a specific bank or similar financial institution to identify a relationship as defined between the bank and its client. |
CBID | Central Bank Identification Number | A unique identification number assigned by a central bank to identify an organisation. |
CHID | Clearing Identification Number | A unique identification number assigned by a clearing house to identify an organisation |
CINC | CertificateOfIncorporationNumber | A unique identification number assigned by a designated authority to a certificate of incorporation and used to identify an organisation. |
COID | CountryIdentificationCode | Country authority given organisation identification (e.g., corporate registration number) |
CUST | CustomerNumber | Number assigned by an issuer to identify a customer. Number assigned by a party to identify a creditor or debtor relationship. |
DUNS | Data Universal Numbering System | A unique identification number provided by Dun & Bradstreet to identify an organisation. |
EMPL | EmployerIdentificationNumber | Number assigned by a registration authority to an employer. |
GS1G | GS1GLNIdentifier | Global Location Number. A non-significant reference number used to identify legal entities, functional entities, or physical entities according to GS1 numbering scheme rules.The number is used to retrieve detailed information that is linked to it. |
SREN | SIREN | The SIREN number is a 9 digit code assigned by INSEE, the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies, to identify an organisation in France. |
SRET | SIRET | The SIRET number is a 14 digit code assigned by INSEE, the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies, to identify an organisation unit in France. It consists of the SIREN number, followed by a five digit classification number, to identify the local geographical unit of that entity |
TXID | TaxIdentificationNumber | Number assigned by a tax authority to identify an organisation. |
LCID | LocalIdentification | Local, national organisation identification |
6. Private Person Id
Code | Name | Definition |
DATE | DateAndPlaceOfBirth | Date and place of birth of a person |
ARNU | AlienRegistrationNumber | Number assigned by a social security agency to identify a non-resident person. |
CCPT | PassportNumber | Number assigned by an authority to identify the passport number of a person. |
CUST | CustomerIdentificationNumber | Number assigned by an issuer to identify a customer. |
DRLC | DriversLicenseNumber | Number assigned by an authority to identify a driver's license. |
EMPL | EmployeeIdentificationNumber | Number assigned by a registration authority to an employee. |
NIDN | NationalIdentityNumber | Number assigned by an authority to identify the national identity number of a person. |
SOSE | SocialSecurityNumber | Number assigned by an authority to identify the social security number of a person. |
TXID | TaxIdentificationNumber | Number assigned by a tax authority to identify a person. |
7. Name Prefix
Code | Name | Definition |
DOCT | Doctor | Title of the person is Doctor or Dr. |
MADM | Madam | Title of the person is Madam. |
MISS | Miss | Title of the person is Miss. |
MIST | Mister | Title of the person is Mister or Mr. |
MIKS | GenderNeutral | Title of the person is gender neutral (Mx). |
GROU | Group | Title of the contact is a group address (email or similar) |
PLTF | Platform | Title is an identifier at used platform |
8. Applicable Rule
Code | Name | Definition |
ISPR | InternationalStandbyPractices | The version of the International Standby Practices (ISP) that is in effect on the date of issue of the undertaking. |
NONE | None | No applicable rule set defined. |
UCPR | UniformCustomsAndPractice | The version of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP) as published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) that is in effect on the date of issue of the undertaking. |
URDG | UniformRulesForDemandGuarantees | The version of the ICC Uniform Rules For Demand Guarantees (URDG) as published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) that is in effect on the date of issue of the undertaking. |
OTHR | Other | Other |
9. Underlying Transaction Type
Code | Name | Definition |
CONT | Contract | Underlying transaction is a contract. |
DELV | DeliveryOrder | Underlying transaction is a delivery order. |
PROF | ProformaInvoice | Underlying transaction is a proforma invoice. |
PROJ | Project | Underlying transaction is a project. |
PUOR | PurchaseOrder | Underlying transaction is a purchase order. |
QUOT | Quotation | Underlying transaction is a quotation. |
TEND | Tender | Underlying transaction is a tender. |
10. Presentation Medium
Code | Name | Definition |
BOTH | PaperElectronic | Presentation is made on paper and/or electronically. |
ELEC | Electronic | Presentation is made electronically. |
PAPR | Paper | Presentation is made on paper. |
11. Delivery Method
Code | Name | Definition |
COUR | Courier | Delivery by courier. |
EMAL | Transmission by e-mail. | |
FAXI | Fax | Transmission by fax. |
MESS | Messenger | Delivery by messenger. |
POST | Post | Delivery by postal service. |
REGM | RegisteredMail | Delivery by registered mail services. |
SEMA | SecureEmail | Transfer via secure e-mail. |
SWFA | SWIFTNetFileAct | Transmission by SWIFTNet FileAct. |
SWIA | SWIFTNetInterAct | Transmission by SWIFTNet InterAct. |
SWMT | SWIFTMT | Transmission by SWIFT (FIN). |
SWMX | SWIFTMX | Transmission by SWIFTNet. |
TELE | Telecommunication | Transmission by telecommunications service. |
WEBM | WebUploadDownload | Available via Web upload/download |
12. Undertaking Account Type
Code | Name | Definition |
OBLI | ObligorLiability | The bank account is for Obligor liabilities. |
OBCH | ObligorCharges | The bank account is for Obligor charges. |
OBSE | ObligorSettlements | The bank account is for Obligor settlements. |
13. Undertaking Document Type
Code | Name | Definition |
BENS | BeneficiaryStatement | Document is a beneficiary statement. |
CINV | CommercialInvoice | Document is an invoice. |
CLAF | ClaimForm | Document is a claim form. |
DEMD | Demand | Document is an undertaking demand. |
TRAF | TransferForm | Document is a transfer form. |
EMAL | Document is an eMail. |
14. Document Format
Code | Name | Definition |
DPDF | Adobe PDF | Document format is PDF. |
DXML | eXtended Markup Language | Document format is XML. |
SDSH | Spreadsheet | Document format is a spreadsheet. |
WORD | Word | Document format is Word. |
XSLT | Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations | Document format is XSLT. |
TXTF | Text file | Document format is text file. |
ZIPF | Zip file | Document or Document set is a zipped file |
15. Bank Account Type
Code | Name | Definition |
IBAN | International Bank Account Number | The bank account is International Bank Account Number |
BBAN | Basic Bank Account Number | The bank account is Basic Bank Account Number |
OTHR | Other Bank Account Number | The bank account is Other type of Bank Account Number |
PRXY | Proxy/alias to Bank Account Number | The bank account is Proxy / Alias referring to Bank Account Number |
16. Undertaking Issuance Type
Code | Name | Definition |
CRQC | CounterUndertakingRequestForCounterUndertaking | Counter-undertaking issued to a correspondent with a request to issue another counter-undertaking. |
CRQL | CounterUndertakingRequestForLocalUndertaking | Counter-undertaking issued to a correspondent with a request to issue a local undertaking. |
ISAD | UndertakingViaAdvisingParty | Undertaking issued to the beneficiary via an advising party. |
ISCO | UndertakingIssuedViaConfirmingParty | Undertaking issued to the beneficiary via a confirming party. |
ISSU | UndertakingIssuedDirect | Undertaking issued direct to the beneficiary. |
17. Termination Reason Type
Code | Name | Definition |
BUFI | UnderlyingBusinessFinished | Reason for termination is underlying business has finished. |
NOAC | TenderNonAcceptance | Reason for termination is non-acceptance of a tender. |
REFU | ReductionTermsFulfilled | Reason for termination is reduction terms have been fulfilled. |
WOEX | WarrantyObligationPeriodExpired | Reason for termination is warranty obligation period has expired. |
18. Narrative Type
Code | Name | Definition |
ADDI | AdditionalTermsAndConditions | Narrative text describing the additional terms and conditions. |
APPL | AppliedTermsAndConditions | Narrative text describing the original application terms and conditions. |
CHAR | ChargeDetails | Narrative text describing the charge details. |
DRAW | DrawingDetails | Narrative text describing the drawing details. |
PRAS | ProceedsAssignable | Narrative text describing the assignment of proceeds terms and conditions. |
TEFF | TermsOfEffectiveness | Narrative text describing the terms of effectiveness. |
TRNF | Transfer | Narrative text describing the transfer terms and conditions. |
TVAR | TermsOfVariation | Narrative text describing the terms of variation. |
STND | Standard Terms & Conditions | Narrative text with standard text or link to standard terms & conditions reference |
19. Life-Cycle Type
Code | Name | Definition |
APPL | Application | Undertaking Application |
ISSU | Issuance | Undertaking Issuance |
AMND | Amendment | Undertaking Amendment |
NEXT | Non-Extension | Undertaking Non-Extension |
TERM | Termination | Undertaking Termination |
DMND | Demand | Undertaking Demand |
EXPA | ExtendOrPay | Undertaking Extend or Pay |
INST | Instruction | Instruction between two undertaking parties |
DRFT | Draft | Drafting an undertaking |
20. Status Type
Code | Name | Definition |
ACCP | Accepted | Accepted |
AMTC | CounterUndertakingAmountChange | Change to counter-undertaking amount. |
AMTU | UndertakingAmountChange | Change to undertaking amount. |
NCON | NonConfirmation | Undertaking not confirmed. |
RJCT | Rejected | Rejected. |
WTHD | Withdrawn | Demand has been withdrawn. |
21. Charges Type
Code | Name | Definition |
TRFC | TransferCharges | Charge for transfer |
CONC | ConfirmationCharges | Charge for confirmation |
ACCP | AcceptanceCharges | Charges for acceptance |
ADVC | AdviceCharges | Charges for advising |
AMND | AmendmentCharges | Charges for amendment |
CMTC | CommitmentCharges | Charges for commitment |
CORR | CorrespondentCharges | Charges for correspondent |
COUR | CourierCharges | Charges for courier |
DEFP | DeferredPaymentCharges | Charges for deferred payment |
DSCR | DiscrepanciesCharges | Charges for discrepancies |
FORF | ForfaitingCharges | Charges for forfaiting |
HNDL | HandlingCharges | Charges for handling |
INTR | Interest | Interest |
INSU | InsurancePremium | Premium for insurance |
MISC | MiscellaneousCharges | Miscellaneous Charges |
NEGO | NegotationCharges | Charges for negotiation |
NOTF | NotificationCharges | Charges for notification |
OBSR | ObservationCharges | Charges for observation |
PMNT | PaymentCharges | Charges for payment |
POST | PostageCharges | Charges for postage |
PRAD | PreadviceCharges | Charges for pre-advice |
REIM | ReimburesementCharges | Charges for reimbursement |
SWFT | SwiftCharges | Charges for Swift |
22. Demand Type
Code | Name | Definition |
PAEX | PayOrExtend | Pay or Extend |
PAYM | PayOnly | Pay Only |
23. Expiry Type
Code | Name | Definition |
UNLM | Unlimited | Unlimited |
FIXD | Fixed | Fixed |
24. Collateral Type
Code | Name | Definition |
FCLT | Facility | Facility |
GTEE | Guarantee | Guarantee |
OTHR | Other facility / collateral | Other facility / collateral |